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Thankful Thursday – George Wright

June 6, 2024
George employee from Sharon Real Estate

Sharon Real Estate is extremely grateful to have George Wright, an accomplished American Painter, as one of our own. Born and raised in Cambridge, MD, George is a native of the town and has always resided here. Though George himself admits to being the “town drunk” for 46 years, he found sobriety at the age of 61, which he considers his greatest achievement, having maintained it for the past 17 years. In rehab, George was affectionately called Pops due to his age, but he preferred to be called George instead.


George grew up in East Cambridge, which was also known as The Bloody 5th, and the family home was the present-day Rose Hill Medical facility. His early interest in art was recognized by his mother, who encouraged him to pursue his talent. He would go to the old East Side, now Portside, with his sketch pad and a #2 pencil to draw watermen, while his artistic idol was Norman Rockwell. George would buy the Saturday Evening Post bi-weekly from Russell & Frank’s, featuring Norman’s artwork on the cover, and try to copy the cover artwork.


George graduated from the Maryland Institute of Art in 1969 and went on to work for Josten’s Yearbook Company, whose publications were printed at Western Publishing in Cambridge. One day, while securing a deal with Harvard University to publish their yearbook in the boardroom of Western Publishing, George decided to call Stockbridge, Mass information on the Watts line and obtained phone numbers for Norman Rockwell’s studio, residence, and home studio. Norman and George had a pleasant conversation, and George even got a bookplate from Norman, which he still treasures today. George decided to visit Norman at his home studio, and at age 73, Norman was painting the Look Magazine Cover while George viewed the Brooks Robinson painting drying on the easel and another portrait painting from the movie Stage Coach, which featured Red Buttons, Bing Crosby, Ann Margaret & Bob Cummings. The smell of clove & linseed oils, turpentines, and artist studio scents in Norman’s studio was a heavenly experience for George.


George has been commissioned to paint many iconic sports legends and teams, including the Duke University Men’s Basketball team after consecutive National NCAA tournament wins, Babe Ruth in “Babe’s Babes” displayed in the Babe Ruth museum in Baltimore, Eddie Murray displayed in the Baseball Hall of Fame at Cooperstown, and the Orioles “Tradition of Excellence” at the Camden Yards corporate headquarters. From Tom Brown of the Green Bay Packers, to Cal Ripken, Dale Earnhardt, and more, George has spent weeks researching his subjects and has always been successful in producing high-quality paintings and prints.


Despite having a genetically acquired tremor in his right hand, George uses his left hand to steady his right while painting, producing outstanding work that has won the hearts of many.


The Choptank River Lighthouse is in existence today partly due to George Wright’s vision, which included the iconic design and location. George was able to convince others that this was a viable project, and Jackie Noller was instrumental in fundraising and completing the project.

Sharon Real Estate is proud to have George Wright as a talented artist and a valued member of the community. We are honored to have him as one of our own.